Peter Liversidge: What You’d Expect

imageVarious constructions © Peter LiversidgeJoe Peila referred me (via VVORK) to the sculptural creations of Peter Liversidge.

Peter Liversidge’s paintings, sculptures, installations and public projects explore his two twin obsessions: the myth of the American West, and the glamour and desirability of luxury goods. Liversidge recreates globally famous logotypes and corporate insignia, in order to recreate them in his own unique idiom. His charming, almost childlike clumsiness undermines their slick perfection. As the artist notes, “I really am trying… but I just can’t paint these products the way the manufacturers would like to see them.” Similarly, the minor miracles of modern technology and tools of the well-heeled international traveller, such as video-cameras and American Express cards become remade in Liversidge’s hands. Becoming functionless, clunkily constructed life-size sculptures, the artist inverts their associations of glamour, quality and social status to create comedy and bathos.
Take an upclose look at his Olympus OM707. I think the Leica really says it best.
  1. shanelavalette posted this