William Christenberry Lecture

imageRed Building in Forest, Hale County, Alabama, 1983 © William Christenberry If you’re in the Boston this evening, try and make it over to BU’s Photonics Center for a lecture by William Christenberry. This is another event put on by the PRC. From their website:

On both formal and conceptual levels, Christenberry’s work focuses on the prolonged study of a place. For example, in the process of documenting the evolution of a building and its surroundings over time, he provides a chronicle of that structure’s evolving identity. His work not only captures the essence of a particular region’s heritage, it is also a meditation upon the universal experience of stasis and change.
7pm Boston University’s Photonics Center Auditorium 206 8 St. Mary’s St., Boston For those of you not in the Boston area, here’s a decent NPR interview with Christenberry so you don’t feel too left out.